Making lists of lists of my favorite things inspired a small pop-up online exhibition during lockdown 2020. Film has always played an enormous part in my life, as well as my visual art language and building assemblage tableaus for my favorite films was a joyful exercise in satisfying my compulsive miniature-collecting habit and abating my compulsive collecting problem.

Amelie of Montmartre
Assemblage box, with hand cut stencil, vintage treasures, hand
carved heart and thread in handmade box with tapered edge
33 x 21 x 6cm
Film: Amelie, 2001
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Lost in Translation
Assemblage with hand cut blossoms, found toys and stencil
portrait in handmade box with tapered edge
34 x 22 x 6cm
Film: Lost in Translation, 2003
Director: Sofia Coppola

Benediction and Dream (From Frida the movie)
Assemblage with cross stitch, stencil embroidery, woven hand printed
paper and found treasures in handmade box with tapered edge
33 x 20 x 6cm
Film: Frida, 2002
Director: Julie Taymor

Estrella Negra (From Frida the movie)
Assemblage with vintage lace. stencil embroidery, woven handstained
ribbon and vintage treasures in handmade box with tapered edge
33 x 20 x 6cm
Film: Frida, 2002
Director: Julie Taymor

Amelie of Montmartre 2
Assemblage box, with hand cut stencil and vintage treasures
36 x 23 x 14cm
Film: Amelie, 2001
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

The Shape of Water
Assemblage with paper-cut, vintage treasures, monster cookie
cutter and collage in handmade box with tapered edge
33 x 20 x 6cm
Film: The Shape of Water, 2017
Director: Guillermo Del Toro

Escape Tank
Paper-cut in “snowglobe”
17 x 10 x 10cm
Film: The Shape of Water, 2017
Director: Guillermo Del Toro

Shadow ROMA 1
Paper cut
32 x 20cm
Film: Roma, 2018
Director: Alfonso Cuaron

Shadow ROMA 2
Paper cut
32 x 20cm
Film: Roma, 2018
Director: Alfonso Cuaron

Welcome to Fhloston Paradise (The Fifth Element)
Assemblage with stencil portrait, paper cut and found toys in wooden box.
23 x 40 x 8cm
Film: The Fifth Element, 1997
Director: Luc Besson