This was literally the first song ever heard on the moon when Buzz Aldrin played it on a portable cassette player after he stepped onto the surface of the moon in 1969!
As probably one of the most recognizable songs in the world today this classic, written by Bart Howard in 1954 in apparently 20 minutes flat, went through quite a few transformations before Sinatra gave us this quintessential version in 1964.
In 1963 Peggy Lee convinced the composer to change it's title from "In Other Words" to "Fly me to the Moon" and in early 1964 Quincy Jones rearranged it's time signature 3/4 to 4/4.
About the Art: LUNALINO This week I printed two different linocuts inspired by the song and based on "exercise and movement" cigarette cards from the 1950's.
For more tales and trivia about Moon songs scroll back on this blog/podcast.
And to see the artwork go the my LUNA TUNES exhibition page.